Monday, February 25, 2013

Project 365

My book has arrived! I've had it for a few weeks now and it only took a few days to actually print and ship to my door. I tried to keep up with it throughout the entire year, but got a little behind starting in July. I tied up the loose ends in January and finalized it not long after the start of 2013. 

I successfully took at least one photo every day in 2012. It was fun. I'm also exhausted. I'm taking this year off, but still photographing more than the usual person. (Just not every single day-but pretty close.)

I'm thrilled with the quality of book. It's an 8 1/2 x 11" paperback book with the option to order it again in varying sizes or hardback. One of the many reasons why I love owning a Mac.

I will do another similar book filled with my photography from my voyage to England and France later this year. If I am dedicated, I may be able to complete it in time to show my family at our annual Flathead Lake reunion in August. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chinese New Year

I love that Butte celebrates everything, including Chinese New Year. Butte used to have a large Chinese population due to the mine, but it has dissipated almost completely. The annual parade keeps tradition alive. 

This was my 2nd year being in the parade. There is a short ceremony on the steps of the Courthouse and then the dragon comes out and the crowd follows it, winding through the streets of Uptown Butte. 

It is very loud. People bring anything that makes noise, mostly banging pots and pans together. There is a team of men who light off thousands of firecrackers in the alleys as the dragon passes by.

Nate & sisters Hillary and Kayla, Kayla's friend Katie
Wearing shirts for the Year of the Snake.

Montana Tech basketball players carry the dragon this year.

The group of us in one picture.

Lighting off firecrackers with blow torches in the alleys.

At the end of the parade, the crowd gathers from all directions to watch 100,000 firecrackers explode. 
It is LOUD. Butte people love it.

Happy Chinese New Year in Uptown Butte

The sidewalk after 100,000 firecrackers

Friday, February 22, 2013

The 50 Most Romantic Things That Ever Happened

Need to restore your faith in humanity? Need a smile (or a few happy tears)?

Here are photos of The 50 Most Romantic Things That Ever Happened:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I went thrifting at Goodwill last night after work. In honor of President's Day, the entire store was 50% off! I went a little buckwild and got all of these treasures. Everything for $23.00:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

1 Step Closer

Becoming a CPA is much more than passing 4 exams. Extra college credits are required, along with 2000 hours of acceptable work in public accounting, an additional ethics exam online, and the final application process, including proof of the above mentioned items and 3 character references. 

And an application fee, of course. 

Today I completed the ethics exam online and scored 98 out of 100! This is the final step for me before filling out the application and mailing it to the State Board.

The next board meeting is May 8-9 and that is when applications are reviewed and either approved or denied. This is when I will find out if I will be a CPA and then I will receive my paper license in the mail a few weeks after.

In all, becoming a CPA has cost me about $18,575 so far. The Becker CPA Review materials (pictured above) have been a large part of that. Exam fees have totaled somewhere around $6,000.

No one said it would be easy (or cheap) but they've always said it was worth it. Agreed.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Pink is my favorite color & I am a romantic at-heart. Suffice it to say that I love Valentine's Day.

It also helps that I have had a significant other or a date for 7 of the last 8 Valentine's Days.

This year marks my 2nd Valentine's with Nate. Last year was special since Nate drove from Butte to Helena just to have dinner with me. I was working on an audit out of town and he didn't want to spend it apart. We both worked for the same company and didn't want anyone to know, so I kept things pretty vague on my blog. Here are the photos from our date last year.

This year was different. Neither one of us worked for that company anymore and we could also be open about our relationship and not have to sneak around at restaurants.

We tried to go to dinner at Sparky's, the Montana Club, and MacKenzie River Pizza, but the parking lots were packed. We didn't even attempt waiting. Rather, we pulled into McDonald's to find no one there. I ordered a 3-course meal: french fries, crispy chicken snack wrap, and a strawberry sundae for dessert. We then drove to Taco Johns, where Nate ordered his meal.

We picnicked on my floor (since my dining table was covered in clutter). I gave Nate some presents, including some Griz basketball shorts, a framed photograph of us for his office, and a deck of cards with "52 Reasons Why I Love You." It was a rather sweet night and I had accepted that that's all it would be.

Nate is not the most romantic guy, but I certainly underestimate him at times. He joked about not getting me anything and there were no flowers or chocolates during any part of the day. The night prior, I told him how excited I was. He said, "What for?" I replied irritated, "VALENTINE'S DAY!" 

Sometimes Nate jokes about being clueless, and then there are times when he's just clueless. 

After he opened his presents, he told me he felt badly about not getting me anything. I was really contemplating our relationship at that moment. If he couldn't do anything to show me his feelings on Valentine's Day, what would it be like 20 years from now when we're married and comfortable behavior has really set in?!

He felt awful and gave me a hug. Then he said, "Reach in that pocket." (The breast pocket in his coat.)

I felt a small box! A jewelry box! He knows how much I love and adore jewelry.

He fooled me! I was shocked, happy, and felt like a royal idiot for having no faith in him whatsoever.

I opened the box to find these beauties:

Pink sapphires with diamond accents set in 14 karat white gold. Nate specifically asked the jeweler for something pink and sparkly with a silver metal. (He learned early on that I prefer white to yellow gold.)

My night quickly turned from disappointment to complete and utter joy! It wasn't because my love was bought with a nice gift, but because he knew me well enough to know what I like and that this is the language that makes me feel special. It wasn't about the item, but the thought and meaning behind it. 

And diamonds always help. This girl loves diamonds.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's been one week since I passed the CPA Exam. While that sentence alone brings me unimaginable happiness, it's also the people in my life who give me love, support, encouragement, and praise.

I met with my dear friend, Allison, after work for frozen yogurt. I've blogged about her before and will state again how much I look up to her. She is a Registered Nurse, works multiple jobs, is a Naval Officer and just got promoted, owns multiple homes and fixes them up herself, she is finishing her Master's degree this May, and she is funny, full of happiness, and very pretty. 

We met in Kindergarten and now live in Butte together! She is another independent, young professional woman and I love that she is going after her career dreams and won't let anything stop her. Allison's spirit is contagious! 

I also want to share my newest gift, Black Cherry Patent Leather Dansko shoes. My Dad saw a coworker wearing them and thought they would be great for me. They are gorgeous and look very professional. I'd like to find a little silver Griz sticker to put on the heel. 

They are my 3rd pair of Danskos and I love these shoes. They are high-quality, comfortable shoes. I completely recommend. Thank you, Dad.

Monday, February 11, 2013

You're Invited

I will be inviting friends, family, and anyone who wants to join us in celebrating my CPA accomplishment to a big party in Butte. 

The date has not been selected yet, but it will be on a Saturday after Tax Season. I would be so honored to have all my supporters there, those from close and far away. I would like to plan something flexible for those who may be traveling. I am thinking about a gathering in the afternoon for those who may want to make it over for the day, and then drinks or dinner in the evening for those who wish to stay longer. 

I will be sending out formal invitations with plenty of notice. It will be late April, late May, or possibly sometime in June. 

Due to the CPA application and licensure process, I will not be a CPA until May anyway. But the hardest part is over, and that's worth celebrating!

A Butte Celebration

The party continues as I celebrate passing the CPA Exam in every way possible. This installment of my blog features photos from a night out with my friends in Butte, traveling around the bars.

John, Kayla, and me after we had dinner at Metals Bar

Alyssa bought me a vodka cranberry to go with my red heels

This is most of us that lasted all night: Andy, Carrie, John, Alyssa, me, & Nate

Feeling fabulous in my new red heels (from Goodwill, no less!)

Alyssa had to take this one (she's also a photographer)

Enjoying my new freedom from the Exam

Alyssa had a fun night out with us. She doesn't get the chance very often since she has 3 babies and a hubby at home.

German chocolate cake shots all around

3 CPAs (almost for me...I still have to get my license)
This is me being goofy since Nate is always acting silly when I take pictures. Revenge!

I am happy it's finally over!

In love and being young and free

Goodnight, Butte.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Is It Real?

I woke up this morning wondering if it was really true. When I realized that my life is as good as a dream, I got so excited to start the day!

At my new job, Mary Walsh, CPA & Associates, I was given a Red Velvet cake in my honor. 

Then I came home to a card from my parents with 3 (losing) lotto tickets:

And I also got a card from Nate's co-worker's wife, whom I met only briefly at his company's Christmas party:

I guess Nate must talk about me a lot at work.

I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and attention. I have been having a wonderful week.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Celebrating Success

Flowers from Carrie delivered to work

Balloons from Dixie & Turf, also delivered to work

My first celebratory drink at Headframe Spirits

Dinner at The Montana Club

Details on today's happens will come later. It's nearly midnight and I have to get up early to go work a long tax day tomorrow.

Short & Sweet


Monday, February 4, 2013

Goodnight Friends

I'm giving up on checking for the night. I'm getting up at 5am to see if it's up then. I've gotten scores that early before so I'm going to try it in the morning.

That's if I can actually get any sleep tonight. I feel very anxious and overwhelmed. Last time I was in this position (3 exams passed with only FAR left), I checked my score at 6am, only to see I failed. I hope this time it's different!!!

Score ???

Scores Are Coming Out

Audit scores are releasing right now! That means I will probably get my FAR score this evening.

The scores are released by section, by state, and by registration number. My number is low and Montana is usually quick. Whenever FAR starts coming out, it shouldn't be too long and I'll know my fate.

This Day

This day is quickly becoming the longest, most sickening day of my life. I sound dramatic, but I have been sick to my stomach all night and morning.

I've been busy at work, checking tax returns, but as I sit staring at my computer screen during my lunch break, it's like watching paint dry. I, along with 10,000+ other CPA candidates, keep refreshing the score release forum screen. This is how I know scores are up:

People will start posting that they've received scores. Now we continue to sit and wait. There is no guarantee that it will even be today.

Please keep checking. I will post as soon as I find out.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Waiting

The waiting is the hardest part.

My exam score comes out sometime tomorrow. I am sick to my stomach thinking about it. I've tried to remove the anxiety from my thoughts, but I am terrified of the bad news.

Tomorrow will be the greatest day of my life or a really difficult time of defeat. The stakes are higher with this score release since this is my last section I have left to pass. I have one more chance to take it in April. But with working during Tax Season, there isn't much time to study. 

This is it. Tomorrow is a big day.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Goodbye, Tucker

I received sad news this week. My beloved companion, Tucker, was put down a few days ago. 

He had been sick off and on with cancer and an autoimmune blood disorder. Two weeks ago, he got sick really quickly. He had zero platelets and received a blood transfusion. He started losing weight despite lots of food. Thursday afternoon he was found on the deck in the rain. He didn't want to get up and was sick. He was taken to the vet immediately. The ultrasound showed lots of blood-filled tumors on his liver and spleen. One had ruptured and his belly was filled with blood. He was inoperable and terminal. Then came the hard, but necessary decision to put him down.

I was never his owner, but we lived together for a few years, spending time together every day. He slept on my floor, stayed by my side through heartbreak, took me on walks, and he gave me love and smiles when I needed it most.

Kyle and I still love him so much. 

Our buddy, Tucker
March 22, 2003 - January 31, 2013

Going for a walk in Summer

Mom visits Missoula and 'our' dogs

Fun on a Winter walk

My last days living with the boys, Toby & Tucker

Packing my things to move out

A big hug for Tucker

Visiting after a recent Griz game

A very happy, well-trained, obedient boy

Reunited for the first time after I moved to Butte

Treats for the boys after a long walk

3 brothers tuckered out

Kyle & his fellow Griz fans

Just before dinner time

Brothers who love each other & share everything

Loving on the boys

Tucker let me take endless photos of him

Always sleeping on my bedroom floor, keeping me company

On another walk together